• Question: Have you been near a nuclear disaster

    Asked by Lorcan to Andres, Catherine, Darren, Ellie, Samantha on 14 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Samantha Watson

      Samantha Watson answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      I’ve been lucky enough to visit the forest area near Chernobyl, and to visit some of the local towns and meet some of the residents. I saw how school children still monitor some of the food that people grow at home to make sure it is safe to eat.

    • Photo: Andres Olivares del Campo

      Andres Olivares del Campo answered on 15 Nov 2016:

      I am afraid not!

      But I have been to CERN, the huge particle physics experiment where scientists collide particles at very high energies against each other. Due to these high energies, there is a lot of radiation so when you visit, you need to wear a radiation monitor to make sure you do not get to close to the dangerous areas!
