• Question: why do i feel dizzy when i spin?

    Asked by Iman to Andres, Catherine, Darren, Ellie, Samantha on 9 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Samantha Watson

      Samantha Watson answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      I think this is because there are little tubes inside your ears that have fluid in, and your brain uses these to help it work out which way is up, when you’re moving etc. So if you spin round and round, the fluid in these little tubes gets moving, then if you stop suddenly the fluid keeps going and your brain is being told by your ears that you are going round and round, but your eyes are telling it that you’ve stopped, and it gets a bit confused and you feel dizzy.

    • Photo: Andres Olivares del Campo

      Andres Olivares del Campo answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      I am actually not sure but I heard something related to what Sam said! Thanks for that Sam!
