• Question: What specific activities would ypou do to teach younger children of what you do?

    Asked by Big_C to Samantha on 8 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Samantha Watson

      Samantha Watson answered on 8 Nov 2016:

      I’ve been lucky enough to teach some children about radiation and how to protect people from it at the Big Bang Fair. We did this through fun activities, which the children could get involved with. One activity involved shooting nerf guns at a person wearing a vest. The little darts were used to represent radiation and the more darts that stuck to the target’s vest, the higher the “radiation dose” they received. By moving the target to different distances, or by putting shielding (large boards with some holes in) in the way, or by reducing the time for which the nerf gun was fired, the radiation dose was altered and we could see how distance, shielding and time could be used to protect a person from radiation.

      Lesson plans (instructions) for this and other activities can be found here https://srp-uk.org/public-and-schools/resources-for-schools. Perhaps your teachers would be interested in having a go??
